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Don't do it alone. Take the first step towards positive change today!

Are You Ready For Real Positive Change?

Start building your new life, free from addiction!

Is it time for you to rebuild your life after achieving sobriety? Don’t go through this journey on your own.

A sober coach understands the challenges you may encounter and is here to offer the guidance and support you need to create a new, fulfilling life.

Together, we will work with you to develop a personalized plan and provide the necessary tools and resources for your continued success.

Take that crucial next step towards positive change and reach out to a sober coach today. Remember, you don’t have to face this alone.

Rose Chant

Don't do it alone. Take the first step towards positive change today!

Our Services

What is a Recovery

A recovery coach or sober coach is someone who will support you if you are recovering from addiction to alcohol and other drugs through one on one support. The coach will teach you about developing strong and healthy relationships with the people in your life and, most importantly, with yourself.

Boundary Setting

Boundaries help structure your life around healthy habits and provide a sense of self-worth.

Healthy Relationships

It’s been repeated time and time that the opposite of addiction is connection, and that fact is true.

Life Skills

Acquiring life skills is fundamental in early recovery from addiction as they bring the necessary foundation.

Self-esteem and Self-love

Working on improving your self-esteem and self-love is one of the most crucial things you can do in early recovery.

Relapse Prevention

Your coach will work side by side with you while you develop an iron-clad detailed relapse prevention plan.

If you are still trying to decide if you are ready to take this next step, schedule a FREE 30-minute call, and we can talk about it. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

Our Services

Family Services

boundary family support

Boundary Setting

Boundary Setting

rebuilding relationships family

Rebuilding Relationships

Rebuilding Relationships

Self care family

Self Care

Self Care

Your personal

Sober Companion

  • What is a Sober Companion?

    A sober companion, also known as a recovery coach or sober coach, is a trained professional who provides support, guidance, and accountability to those in recovery from addiction.

  • How can a Sober Companion help you?

Taking you to Treatment

So much anxiety comes up while you’re making your way to treatment. The assistance of a sober companion picking you up and dropping you off eases these tensions as they support you through this vulnerable time. They can offer emotional support, help keep you accountable, and prevent temptations or relapse, giving you a better chance of success as you begin your recovery journey.

Taking you home from Treatment

Having a sober companion pick you up from treatment is crucial for maintaining a safe and supportive transition back to everyday life. They provide guidance and accountability, helping prevent relapse and prioritizing sobriety. On top of that, a sober companion offers emotional support and can help navigate potential triggers or challenges that may arise after treatment.

Support in Social Settings and Events

Attending social gatherings or events where alcohol or drugs may be present can be challenging for someone in recovery. A Sober Companion can offer support and guidance during such occasions, helping the individual navigate these situations with confidence.


Sober Companions can teach practical skills and tools for managing stress, anxiety, and cravings without resorting to substance use.

Identifying Triggers

Sober Companions are skilled at identifying triggers that could potentially lead to relapse. By recognizing these triggers, they can work with the individual to develop coping strategies to navigate challenging situations.

Relapse Prevention Planning

Together with you, a Sober Companion can create a relapse prevention plan tailored to their specific needs and triggers. This plan can serve as a roadmap for maintaining sobriety.

If you are still trying to decide if you are ready to take this next step, schedule a FREE 60-minute call, and we can talk about it. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.